Our apartment has been solidified down in Lincoln Heights. That's going to make such a huge difference.
We had interviews this past week, and I want to share some stuff. So any of you that know me know that something I have dealt with is feeling like I don't live up to expectations, and I've talked with many missionaries that have similar feelings. So I asked President, "What would you tell a missionary that feels like he doesn't ever live up to his expectations?" His response was something along the lines of, "Well, Elder, we're never going to live up to expectations. The expectation is perfection, right?" Then my mind totally opened up. I starting thinking to myself, "I've always been frustrated with myself when I am not acting on the things that I know to be right. Why can't I just live what I know? But wait, if I were to live everything I know, I would be living a life without sin. I've already been taught everything I need to know to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. Now it's just a matter of living it. The expectation I put on myself should not be perfection. Perfection doesn't come in this life. The expectation I DO need to put on myself is improvement." That end part was me remembering the words from Elder Nelson in the Mormon message, "Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them." Pop that into Youtube, or look it up on Mormon Channel. It's definitely awesome. As part of that interview, President told me, "learn your area well." Thoughts immediately started rolling, "Are they taking Elder Mostert? I just got here! Freak!" So we'll see how that goes this week.
On Saturday, Elder Sitati of the Seventy will be coming to do a mission tour. I don't recall ever hearing one of his talks, but the info I found about him on LDS.org is pretty cool.
Sorry times a little short today. We're teaching some super awesome people right now. I'll let you know about it next week. And I'll also throw in details about the Elder Sitati visit.
Love you all.
Elder Christensen
p.s. Thanks to everyone who sent suggestions regarding being a zone leader!
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